Saturday, 23 January 2010

Mosquito Bite

Ow That's Right



Great end to the night!


Prisoner without rhyme or reason
Prisoner to routine

Stuck with no communication
Found a little corner
Found a slight signal

Blessed relief
Blessed release

Hilarious day

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Tajweed Quiz-please post answers and/or discuss

1. What are some of the merits of learning the recitation of the Qu'ran?
2. What are some of the merits of reciting the Qur'an?
3. What are the three ways to learn the recitation of the Qur?an and what's the best of the three?

I love my life!

I love my life
The struggle and the Strive

The Remembrance of You
In everything I do

My inner smile, radiates through
As I know there is No one between me and You

You are my Friend, My Ally
My Protector, My Wakeel

With you, I'm in no need
I love this Blessed Creed

Steeped in Belief
It's a blessed relief

To know Who I am, where I am
With you in my heart I stand

My living, breathing and return is to You
And all I do is in remembrance of you

With Love, Fear and hope
I sit, rise, wish, desire, cope

with life and all it's beautifule strife
Knowing I am heading home

To you, in all your beauty
and Majesty

Really I do
I love my Life!

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

My beautiful Somalian Sister

Yet another day
Where I pray

For your eternal safety and happiness
As in dusty, polluted streets you showed me kindness

May Allah swt, your family bless
And grant you with Jannah, the highest

Al firdous ul Ala
For you my sister

Who loved me only for his Sake
May he kindly, your soul take

Save you from the punishments of the grave
Because I believe you are a true slave

Of the Almighty, The merciful
May his mercies on you always be bountiful

As you showed me love, you always cared
And checked how I fared

Treated me like a queen
Always asked How I'd been

For no other reason then he was your Master
And so, I was your sister!

May he for whose sake you love me, Love you too...Ameen

Abundantly so, my dear sis...thumma ameen

May we once again meet under the shade...heartfelt ameen Ameen Ameen

Uhubbuki Fillah
Ukhtee Jameelah

Wa salamun Alaiki Wa usratuki

May the peace and Blessings of Allah be upon you and your family

Allahumma sali alla muhamadin ......

"..I suffered from Eczema..."

True Story of a brother

Since I was born I suffered from Exema [Eczema] on my hands and arms and now I am 22 years of age and still suffering from such disease. Alhamdulelah it goes for a while but it comes back infected and inflamed.

I always looked around me and saw other people's hands and arms in perfect condition and I would go back home and cry so much that my tears would fill a bucket. I was bullied so much in Secondary School because of my Exema and I was treated like dirt and abused because of my belief in Islam. One day in class I cried for over an hour my eyes stung because of the class saying abusive things to me and the teacher did NOTHING because he hated my faith which was apparent.

Since I was small I always held the Quran each night and begged Allah for my suffering to end. Even as I write this my eyes are full of tears.

As I grew up my passion to marry grew. I always wanted to have a child to raise for
the mercy of Allah. But because of my suffering from Exema that always stopped me from marrying.

One day in College I saw a really beautiful Sister in Hijab from Lebanon (I think) and I wanted to marry her, but because of my Exema I thought she would not want to even look at me. By Allah, through Halal ways she rejected me which I feel in my heart was because of my hands.

I feel so alone sometimes. I suffer SO much that I cannot go outside unless my sleeves of my shirt cover most of my hands. I cannot make Salat in the Masjid without worrying that someone is going to look at my hands and not want to shake them or that they will give me a bad look. I cannot eat outside or be with my friends without feeling worried that they are going to see my hands.

When I do Wudu with water, my hands sting so much I cry. After Wudu I will make my Salat trying to blot out the pain that I am going through with my hands.

I feel no Muslim Sister will ever marry me
but I try to keep strong about it. My only wife I want is a wife of Paradise. I wish I was with Prophet Ayub (AS) as he suffered alot and I would not feel alone as he would be with me worshiping Allah.

My only dream now is to work hard and to die only for Allah.

Please Brothers and Sisters of Islam make Du'a for me and for all Muslims suffering from illness's that they keep strong.

I take this as a blessing from Allah as Allah tests those whom he truly loves.

About three year ago I was sinking into severe depression. I was suffering so much and everything was just sinking deeper and deeper. I would stay up every night just worshipping Allah, begging him for mercy and help.
I really thought that Allah abandoned me and hated me.

Then one summer was a summer I would never forget. For six weeks in a row I had dreams that words would never be able to describe in 100% detail.

The dreams are too much to mention. But one of the first
was when I was standing on a red land, and then two Muslim men with large dark beards approached me. They asked me do I want to see Hell? I said to them yes. They smiled and I then followed them.

In front of me was like a Hugh head with a wide open mouth. I can still picture this in my mind but I can never really describe it as it was so detailed. We went through its mouth and in it were all types of chambers of black fire. I saw people lying on their bellies on beds of spikes penetrating though their bodies while they were screaming.

Another chamber I saw people being crushed again and again in fire.

Another I saw their limbs being pulled off.

After a few more chambers we left and one of the Muslim's said to me, "Is your life worse than what you saw?" I said, "By Allah, no."

The best dream is of Prophet Muhammad (salla Allaahu 'alayhi wa salaam). In the dream I was sitting in a dark room crying. Suddenly a gold door appeared in front of
me. The door said to me, "Don't cry and come inside."

When I went in, I was in such a beautiful garden. There were all sorts of flowers and different coloured streams of water and honey. I heard laughing and talking further on, so I walked through this garden, and each step I took the garden just got more beautiful and different in colour. I saw a really bright gold table with food I have never seen before on this table. There were sweets and different shapes of fruit on the table. There were also crystal cups with drinks with at least 100 different shades of colour.

Sitting around the table were all extremely handsome looking Muslims. I saw one Muslim holding a staff in his right hand so I was thinking that could be Musa ('AlyheeSalaam), and then another Muslim I saw with long wavy hair with pearls falling from his head, so I was thinking that was 'Isa ('AlyheeSalaam). There were at least 100 Muslims around this table. At the head of the table a Muslim
turned around and faced me. Mashahallah I will never forget his face. His eyes were darker than black pearls and there was a beautiful light shining from his face. As he smiled at me I felt this warmth and this sweet smelling musk go over my body.

He said Salam to me and called me by my full name. I asked him who he was. He said, "I am the final Messenger of Allah and my name is Muhammad Ibn Abdullallah (salla Allaahu 'alayhi wa salaam). I want you to sit next to me."

A gold chair appeared next to him so I sat there facing him. He took my hand in his hand. It felt so warm and nice. He said something that even made me cry in my sleep. He said, "Dont cry because of the hardships of this life. Cry for the forgiveness of Allah. Don't cry and feel sad for Allah will never leave you alone to suffer. He is with the believer who calls his name. He smiles to the believer who repents. He loves the believer who runs to him in struggle. And on The Day that is coming, you will see how much love and comfort He gives to those Muslims who suffered for Him."

I closed my eyes and then I woke up with tears all down my face

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Burning bright, burning star

Oh how I wonder...not what you are
But how far 'til that day
You are not a million miles away

But right above our heads

Boiling brains
Sweat due to sins

Some to their arms, some to their lips
Some gargling with it

Oh how I wonder re: the heat of the fire
That is greater than your molten layers

How I cry, how I wonder

On that day where will you and I be
I pray.. Under The Shade of the throne
My sisters you and I

So now the sun has gone
The day is done
With the setting Sun

I know not how, I know not why
But I know today the sun made me cry

Cry for my sisters who are so far apart
Cry from happiness from my heart...
that he Sun took me home
It's warmth remindin me of the blessings of my lord
My heart and soul sang his beautiful, glorious names
And, Verily in this remembrance did my heart find ease
May Allah swt Bless this Ummah and give it peace

The Sun followed me home today

Woke up with My Lord's Name
Full of Mercy, Full of Love
My heart floating with clouds in the heavens above

I walked out to the desert Sun
And again was enlightened with my Lord's Name
Azza wa jal

His magnificence, his beauty sprang through my soul
As the luminiscent lamp followed me home

Throughout the day I went on my way
And, Really it did
Follow me all the way

Burning bright, burning low
Red and misty
Bright and dusty

It made me feel
Well I don't know
It's just I know it followed me home

Friday, 8 January 2010


Where did it come from, this arrogance?
Britain, Land of the brave and beautiful?
Across the seven seas
They were living in terraced houses
Council Flats
Street corners
Mini skirts
Cheap one night stands
Lager and Cider
Yours for a dollar
Chavvy essex gals
Come here, they come
Standing tall and arrogant
Lol, blonde hair, blue eyes
Fake lashes and lies
No family ties
Beautiful, really?
There's more noor in a bedouin camel
Even more in the straw
The camel poops on
It's lighter, brighter, more wholesome
Then the fake tan and arrogance
So, beautiful, really
rather you, than me
Cummon now
Talk to me, the way you do
On my home streets with my crew
We would see then, the brave
me or you?
Hollow Vessels Echo loudest
Well echo away, fake chavvy queen
I know, you know
Where you really been
Arrogant, Empty, Hollow
You know what I mean
Brit, yeah that's me
Why, what are you

meek as a mouse

meeker than a mouse
who me?
yes, you?
me? why?
because I'm shy?
really, im shy? because my creator I don't deny?
Touche, you
you think I'm shy
My inner nature I recognise
My consciousness is on the rise
Yet you knock on pass me
Like I don't exist
Little do you realise
If it weren't for this
I wudda banged you out with an iron FIST
So, you should thank God he EXISTS
Ironic, huh
Yea, sure is!
Me, shy?
Hark at this
Mark this,
In your memory
These are the words
Borne for the untold ear
Later on, I will go on
but for now,
For, now, ,