Thursday, 15 April 2010


Strawberries in chocolate are nice so are mushy marshmellows enveloped in chocolate...

The buffet of life
May be turmoil and strife
But once in a while it's nice
Like Marshmellows and chocolate on a cool dark night

.....People too can be bitter, bad and ugly but deep inside there's a marshmellow waiting to be covered in chocolate....Be patient and you may discover.....

Layer upon Layer of goodness.........

Patience bears good fruits. Speak good or be silent. Only Allah (swt) knows what's in the hearts of men.

A lot of firsts and a few bad reminders! 310310

Journey to Jeddah

The Right Kind Of Art 260310

Your words.....................?

Comments Please! What do you think?

What are words without pictures?

What are pictures without words?

What are they both, without me and you?

What, when your gone

Will become of you?

What's behind you?

What's in front of you?

What's with you?


homeward bound? 260310

Bismillah, Salam and Bye Bye Beauty of Beauties. I hope I behaved well and come to see you again soon InshAllah! xx260310

You moved my heart! Amazing machinations stirs my imagination and gives me hope and fervour to fight on!

Allahu Akbar

Water Search

I enjoy being alone, with the comfort of knowing you are at home. Ironic!

Fear the day we will really be alone, in deep dark graves and standing on long crowded plains.

Inner Smile

Independant Explorations

MashAllah they really are artistic here and organised!

NIce View, Nice food Cherry on the cake as hearts find ease

cosy bed, good friend, 250310