The hotel heights loom over me, but the heights and sights my Lord has in store for me are ever loftier, SubhanAllah, Walhamdulillah WALLAHU AKBAR!
May All my brothers and sisters and all muslimeen feel the way I do today. The cool white tiles refresh my feet, the melody of the adhan is sweet and melodious to my ears, the holy Haram, a coolness to my eyes, my hands holding the quran, my best friend, my guide, the cool night breeze bringing calmness to my soul. The Zamzam water so sweet, fills my body, mind and soul with fluid light enlightening my mind and fuelling my engine to worship my One and Only Lord. The cool night air brings deep, calm contemplations and the sparkling stars guide my eyes to the heavens and altogether my body, mind, heart and soul wonder at my Lord above as I remember the blessings I so cherish deeply, secretly in my heart, in this dunya. Things I have here and now and things awaiting me (like my soft hotel bed!) and moreso what awaits me in the hereafter...thinking of this I leave the bed for later and go to see the Ka'aba again as circling it really does bring ease to aching limbs, broken hearts and troubled minds. Alhamdulillah!
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